Your 3 IN 1 Membership gives you access to not only value added member benefits but also access to networking, training, advocacy and other local, state and national opportunities.
companies that provide services, materials and supplies to our industry) to apply for membership, we do have minimum standards for membership that all applicants must meet.Our members pledge to the BANWPA Code of Ethics and is of good character and business reputation, and who has been continuously in the current business for a minimum of 2 years.
Erie Promotions & Expos, Inc. is a corporation involved in the production of consumer trade shows. Our company has been producing a multitude of events in three states for the past 25 years. We have many strategic alliances with marketing partners offering services such as website, internet design and hosting, electronic media buying and production, public relations and in house design and printing. Our company and staff has worked hard to build and maintain its reputation for credibility, professionalism and excellence within our industry.